Being the leading manufacturer of air intake systems, AirAid also produces an additional lineup to clean and reoil the filters to extend their service life and performance. AirAid tune-up kits are universal for all premium air filters, manufactured by AirAid. Each kit contains Cleaning Solution and Performance oil. The former comes in a 12 ounce spray bottle. The latter is offered with a choice of an eight ounce Aerosol or eight ounce squeeze bottle.
The kit is easy-to-use. The whole process can be done in three steps. Cleaning is executed by means of spraying liquid contained in the cleaner bottle on the filter. The surface of the filter should be fully saturated so that no area remains dry. Ten minutes will be enough for the filter to absorb liquid. Cleaning Solution is especially developed by AirAid as a “first aid” when a filter is contaminated. The formula of liquid is unique as ensure the filter is cleaned without any damages to gauze filter media. After the sprayed liquid has soaked, the filter should be rinsed until clean water comes out.
Let the filter air dry after cleaning. A fan can be used for this purpose. It can speed up this process if you are short on time. After the air filter is clean and dry, AirAid Performance Oil is applied on the outer surface of the filter. Each pleat has to be carefully oiled. In case some areas remained unattended, lightly re-oil them and leave the filter for 20 minutes. It is the sufficient time for oil to seep into the filter.
The AirAid recharge kit is an affordable solution that will make your filter work properly. The tests confirm that the AirAid air filters should be cleaned every 30,000 to 50,000 miles for on-road driving and more often when driving of-road.