K&N is famous among the enthusiasts of great torque and horsepower due to the ongoing scientific researches, testing and innovations that are fulfilled by the engineering team of the company. A special lineup in the K&N product range is dedicated to the air filter cleaning accessories. The various products in this line are aimed to ensure high performance of the installed filter and to extend its in-service life.
Recharger filter care service kit is designed to clean and re-oil any of the K&N Filtercharger air filters. It is a six-step maintenance system to restore air flow efficiency. The kit includes a 12 oz filter cleaner and either a 6.5 oz spray can of oil or 8 oz squeeze oil bottle. The cleaner should be applied to the whole surface of the filter. The cool low pressure water is used afterwards to wash off all dirt. After the filter becomes completely dry, oil should be sprayed on the filter evenly. About 20 minutes is requires for oil absorbing and the filter is ready to be installed. The recharge kit will works properly through seven cleanings that is equal to nearly 350,000 miles of top performance filtration.
Oil plays a great role in air filter's work. K&N manufactures its filters, using the state-of-the-art technologies. Each filter consists of multiple layers of cotton fabric, designed to provide high volumes of air flows to the vehicle's engine. The cotton pleats are saturated with a specially developed grade of oil that results in considerable tackiness of the fabric. Combination of cotton and oil creates a durable filtering media.
To understand when the air filter should be checked is quite easy. Any decreasing in engine performance and mileage may be caused by dirty filter. It is also possible to inspect the filter itself, especially its wire screen. If it is not visible, then it is time to remove and clean it. For on-road driving the K&N replacement air filters should be cleaned every 50,000 miles. Owners of intake systems with large conical filters have to clean the element every 100,000 miles. The enthusiasts of off-road driving have to check the screen of the filter each 25,000 miles.